서브상단 글자

Regulations for Submission

컨텐츠 내용입니다.
Article 1 (Qualification for Contribution)

1. Members of the society (full members, honorary members) can contribute.
2. The member who submits a paper must pay the full fees for the last two years until the year concerned.
3. In principle, new members can contribute after one year of the accepted membership. However, if the admission fee and the two-year membership fee are paid in full, the new member can submit an article at the time of receiving their membership.
4. In the case of a joint research done by 2 persons, the participating researchers shall pay the fees for within the last two years up to the current year.
5. In the case of joint research with more than 3 persons, the correspondent author or the first author shall pay the fees for the last two years up to the current year.
6. In principle, it is not possible to submit an article of the same contributor in succession as a sole, correspondent, or first author. In addition, one contributor and can publish only one article in one issue, regardless of whether being solely or jointly completed.

Article 2 (Content of manuscript)

1. The relationship to Korean language phenomenon and culture.
2. The relevance of Korean culture phenomenon and Korean language education.
3. Comparison of Korean language culture phenomenon and other language culture phenomenon.
4. Interdisciplinary research related to the phenomenon of Korean language and culture.
5. It should be in accordance with the purpose of the establishment of the society, including the plans and results of the dissemination of Korean language culture.

Article 3 (Submission of manuscript)

1. The Editorial Board publishes the journal three times a year, and the deadline is as follows:

- for the journal to be published on April 30: February 28
- for the journal to be published on August: June 30
- for the journal to be published on the 31st Journal: October 31

2. The article must be written in accordance with the article writing guidelines of the Journal and should be submitted through the online article-submission system. Once received, the article cannot be modified and returned.
3. The contributed article should be submitted to other journals or must not be published in other journals. The editorial committee rejects ① the article submitted to the INK before the end of the reviewing process of the other society, ② the article submitted to the other society before the end of the INK reviewing, ③ the article accepted by the other society but submitted to the INK as it is be deemed to be a duplicate submission. and it will be rejected. The editorial committee shall review if the articles have the same content.
4. The publication certificate can be issued after the editorial committee has decided to publish the article.
5. If the editorial committee posts “acceptance after revision” or “re-reviewing after revision” judgment, according to the results of the examination, the contributor must submit the revised manuscript in accordance with the results of the reviewing within the deadline for the revision.
6. The article should be about 20 pages based on the format of the journal. An article over 20 pages must pay an extra excess printing cost (10,000 won per page).
7. The contributors are required to pay a reviewing fee, when submitting an article. They are required to pay the publication fee, if the manuscript is accepted after the reviewing process.
8. The Contributors must submit a “KCI Document Similarity Test”, when submitting a paper.
9. The Contributors must submit a “Research Ethics Covenant”, when submitting an article. (Prescribed form)
10. If the manuscripts are accepted for publication after the reviewing process, the authors should have the English abstracts to be proof-read by a specialized English-editing company and submit the certificate to the Editorial Committe. The proof-reading process is to be borne by the authors. If the contributor wishes to make a personal correction, he or she must submit a proof that he or she has received a proof-reading of the English abstract.
11. The authors should submit a “Confirmation of Transfer of Author's Property Rights”, to transfer the author's property rights to the submitted article to the society if the manuscripts are accepted for publication after the reviewing process. (Prescribed form)

Article 4 (Instructions for writing thesis)

1. Writing a manuscript

1) The article should be written in 'Hangul (97 or more recommended)' program of 'Hangul and Computer'. If the contributor have difficulty writing in Hangul, depending on the language of the contributor, he/she can also use 'Word' program from Microsoft.
2) The text of the article should be written in Korean or English.
3) A Korean and an English abstract should be submitted. The abstracts should be composed of about 500 words, showing the contents of the paper in a concise and core manner.
4) Below are the abstracts. We attach the 'key words' of about 5 words in Korean and English.

(Example of an English abstract)

Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture 4-2, 159-181. Korean Language textbooks had been written by western missionaries and foreign diplomats from the latter part of 19th century……Also there are Korean proverbs, miscellaneous sentences, colloquial moon-ja sentences in the Korean language textbooks. (Sangmyung University) 주제어:한국어 교재(Korean Language Textbook), 한국어 학습자(Korean Learner), 문법(Grammar), 회화(Conversation), 문화(Culture)

주제어:한국어 교재(Korean Language Textbook), 한국어 학습자(Korean Learner), 문법(Grammar), 회화(Conversation), 문화(Culture)

(Example of a Korean abstract)

한국어 교재는 19세기 후반부터 서부 선교사들과 외국인 선교사들에 의해 개발되어 왔다…
(중략)…또한 한국어 교재에는 속담, 다양한 문장, 일상적 표현들이 포함되어 있다.

주제어:한국어 교재(Korean Language Textbook), 한국어 학습자(Korean Learner), 문법(Grammar), 회화(Conversation), 문화(Culture)

2. Body type

1) Editing Form:

① Paper type: custom width 162, length 233
② Paper margin: Upper 20, Lower 20, Left 29, Right 28, Binding 0, Header 12, Footer 6
③ Basic font: Korean using 'Shin Myung-jo' and English using 'Times New Roman'
④ Letter shape and paragraph shape

Title of paper

15 (100, 0, 160), dark, centered


12 (100, 0, 160), dark, centered

Name, affiliation

11 (95, -4, 140), dark, centered,

Korean and English abstracts

9 (95, -4, 140), left, right margin 25


9 (95, -4, 140), left, right margin 30, hanging out 25

Main text

Korean: 10 (95, -4, 170), indented first line
English: 10 (100, -4, 150), first line indent


9 (95, -4, 140), hanging first line 12

Examples, Quotations

9 (95, -4, 140), left margin 10

Table title

9 (95, -4, 160), centered

Table contents

8 (95, -4, 150), left, right margin 3

Reference title

11 (100, 0, 160), dark, centered


9 (95, -4, 140), left margin 6, hanging 30

Author information

9 (95, -4, 140)

2) The outline number of the text is as follows:

Level 1: 1.

font size 13, bold, centered, top two lines, bottom one line

Level 2: 1.1.

font size 12, bold, indented 10, one line up and down

Level 3: 1.1.1.

font size 11, bold, indented 10, one line up and down

Level 4: (1)

font size 10, bold, indented 10, one line up

3) The note shall be a footnote, and shall be affixed only to the contents note. (If the contributor cites a book and the number of pages, he/she should insert them in the body as shown in the following example, and present the reference information in the bibliography.)
Ex.) 윤여탁(2007:12-34), (윤여탁, 2007:12-34)
4) The number of example sentences is' (1), (2), (3), ... '. And its sub-items are ‘a, b, c...’. Example sentences and quotations are placed one more empty line up and down.
5) Figures and tables should be named. Name the picture at the bottom, and name the table centered on the top. Add numbers and titles as shown in <Figure 1>, <Table 1>.
6) Enter the name, affiliation and department, address, postal code, telephone number, and e-mail address of the contributor on the bottom left of the last page.

3. References

1) References should be cited only in the text and footnotes.
2) References should be listed in order of Oriental (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc.), Western, followed by alphabetical order of Asian alphabet and Western alphabet.
3) The articles quoted in the manuscript should be presented with the pages of the source journals.
4) The co-authors and co-authors should be marked with a score point, and four or more persons should be written as 'Min, Hyun Sik et al.(2007)'.
5) In the case of East Asian literature, " " (double quotes) should be indicated in the title of the book and periodicals, but no other symbol should be added to the title of the periodical.
6) In the case of Western documents, book names of monographs and periodicals should be written using 'italics' in 'character attributes', but the first letter of each word shall be written in all capital letters. However, titles of Western articles should be capitalized only in the first letter.
7) Books and articles other than English (including Korean) should be referred to in English. If English is displayed in the original text, English text shall be followed. If English is not displayed in the original, the English romanization and English translation shall be indicated in parallel.